Thursday, December 13, 2012

searching for the perfect tree....

Benny and I decided to venture out to the country and get the Christmas tree from a local tree farm.  It had been years since we had done this, and never here in Oklahoma.  It was a cloudy day but not yet too chilly, so we figured what the heck, let's go for it.  We had not been to this part of the countryside before, but we had an idea as to where we were going.  We had read an article in the local paper about tree farms in our area so with all the confidence of local yokels, we set off for parts unknown...

Needless to say the unpaved gravel road was a bit daunting but we persevered.  We did discuss the possibility we were on the wrong road but something, inner voice in my head, or the fact that Garwin had stopped her insistent nagging to make a u-turn kept us going.  It might have been the silly giggling I was doing, or the fact that occasionally we passed a car with a tree on its roof heading in the opposite direction, that made us continue into parts unknown.  And just when we knew this could not be right, there it was....Pleasant Valley Tree Farm, 1mile, on the right.  We had made it, let the search for that perfect tree begin...

We had plenty of beautiful Virginia Pines to choose from, now it had to be just right.  Let the wandering begin...O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree!

Ben had his eye on one but as we wandered in another direction, we forgot where the first one was we saw we liked...(this sentence seems to be grammatically incorrect, but you get my meaning),

Oh, could this be the one, I think it is.  Okay, let's tag it and bag it.  But first, the critters and stuff must be shaken, not in not a creature was stirring, get it!

This shaky machine was pretty fascinating to watch.  If the tree had been older and drier it would have lost every needle it had.  I think this tree lost 3 lbs of stuff that was wedged in its branches.  Now let's get this baby home and commence the decorating....

 Uhhh, it's a little tall there Ben...

okay, a bit more to the left,... no my left...

Ahhhhh, there it is, just right.  Merry Christmas, everyone!

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